Avidemux slow motion
Avidemux slow motion

Format also plays a part in the process too, with some formats taking less time to encode than others. How long it takes will depend on a few factors, how many other effects have been added, how fast a processor your computer has, and how large and what resolution the video is. Once that is done you click OK and you will see Avidemux processing your file and re-rendering it in this dialogue box. Selecting this presents the familiar export dialogue and allows you to choose the name and destination of the file. These filters can only be applied when the video is reencoded, and you do that through the file>save menu. One of the most common points of confusion with Avidemux comes at this point, as your video will look no different to when you started, and many think they have done something wrong, but this is another part of Avidemux workflow. Once you are happy with the crop, you click Ok and it takes you back to the familiar filter menu where you can use other components to perform more editing if you need. You can adjust this independently for all 4 edges as you wish. Values input here are the number of pixels from that edge the crop extends, as you are setting it, this is displayed with a green block signifying the area of the image that will be removed. There are two options for cropping, you can use the Auto crop feature, which will detect any black lines and crop the footage between them, or if you are using the crop tool for something else, or just want to do it manually, you can set the crop via the left right top and bottom boxes. Selecting ‘Crop’ from the menu and pressing the green plus symbol at the bottom activated the crop tool and presents you with yet another view that allows you to adjust the crop to your tastes. It is important to understand how the editing process works in Avidemux, everything is accessed via the filters menu Video>Filters and from here you are faced with a new interface that enables you to choose the component you wish to use. Once that is set you are free to start editing your footage. Don’t worry though, this is easy, just use the dropdown at the side to choose the output format you want as can be seen here. Editing VideoĪvidemux has some idiosyncrasies in terms of operation, one of those is that to be able to edit any video, you have to choose your output format. However, here we are going to look at the cropping tool, so on to the next step. Now you can edit the video as you need, Avidemux contains a wealth of features to enable the full spectrum of editing tasks to be completed. Whichever route you take, you will end up with your video file loaded in like this. This can be done in two ways, by clicking the file folder icon at the top left you open a standard file browser to navigate to, and select your chosen video file, or alternatively you can simply drag you video into the main panel to import it. Once installed you will be presented with the program as seen here.

avidemux slow motion avidemux slow motion

It is a very small footprint and for the best performance it is wise to simply install everything. One point of note during installation is that you can choose which parts of the program you wish to install. Once downloaded, install in the standard way for your platform, this is the Wndows version (64bit). You can find Avidemux for download here, it is available for a wide range of platforms, just download the version that fits your needs.

Avidemux slow motion