Brewmaster aid of the illidari
Brewmaster aid of the illidari

brewmaster aid of the illidari

These Legion zones are all so tiny - about the size of the Broken Shore. Like Mardum, Dreadscar Rift, and Netherlight Temple - and the Remains of Xandros, where we battled Mongrethod at the end of the Talador storyline in Warlords - Niskara is a fragment of a world destroyed by the Burning Legion. Hmm, I guess that location must also be where the Retribution Paladin questline goes. Along the way to the final boss fight of the scenario, I saw some dead Argent Crusade types. But I was disappointed in this the questline did not reveal anything more about who the Aldrachi were the Vengeance Demon Hunter goes to the Broken Shore. I thought that perhaps turning in those quests would tick her over as it happened, just the farming did the trick.Įven though I don’t plan to try to tank for groups, or even to play solo as Vengeance very much, I’d decided to get the Artifact weapon for that spec to see the story and to honor the memory of a race that had so valiantly resisted the Legion.Īfter having gone to Niskara for the Marksmanship Hunter weapon, I wondered if perhaps the Vengeance Demon Hunter would go there, too - if maybe Niskara was a fragment of the Aldrachi world. She had some skinning & leatherworking quests, so I went out to Azsuna and farmed bears and hippogryphs.

brewmaster aid of the illidari

My Demon Hunter was very very close to 102. For the time being, I’ll also just leave Hati as Hati, rather than getting the item that lets you change Hati’s appearance to match your regular pet. So I guess I won’t be Mogging over it right away. I’d farmed the Rifle of the Platinum Guard to Mog over Titanstrike, but I like its appearance better than I thought I did from just seeing the previews on Wowhead during the beta. The master of beasts part seems a bit tacked-on, though - it makes sense in the same sort of sideways way that the Fist of Ra-den being the weapon for Elemental Shaman rather than Mistweaver Monks does. I enjoyed the subsequent visit to Mimiron’s workshop in Ulduar - and getting to ride in Mimiron’s Head. I think I can guess which tomb in that complex the Warrior questline will visit… It took me to the same place as the Protection Paladin questline - just a different tomb in the same complex. I equipped my better ranged weapon from the Trueshot Lodge quartermaster and had a much easier time with the Beast Mastery questline. I hope that my future actions do not cause Vereesa to decide that her trust in me, and her decision to allow her sister’s bow to be taken by a member of the Horde, were foolish. Furthermore, I’d gotten DC’d halfway through and had to start over from the beginning once already. I also hadn’t played as Marksmanship enough to have figured out the synergy of the abilities very well yet. Partly that was because I didn’t have a very good ranged weapon equipped - it was the reward from the Broken Shore scenario, and I’d forgotten that I’d bought a better one from the Trueshot Lodge quartermaster after I picked up my first Artifact. I had really struggled to get through the scenario. I didn’t feel persnickety enough about getting a really good screenshot to abandon the quest and do everything over again, though.

brewmaster aid of the illidari

I guess my camera angle was bad right at the moment when I clicked on Thas’dorah, because this is the best screenshot I got of the triumphal moment.

brewmaster aid of the illidari

So I used the Orb of the Sin’dorei before I picked it up. It didn’t seem quite right to claim Thas’dorah as a Tauren that bow rightfully belongs to the children of the Sunwell. But if she is still alive, why would she have left the bow behind? Knowing that the Marksmanship weapon is Alleria Windrunner’s bow, I hoped that I wouldn’t be taking it from her dead body after having failed to rescue her. Anyhow, pet-battling having gotten Ketura to level 102, it was time to go get the Artifacts for her other specs. It feels kind of creepy to be camping out on Ashlei’s hill, because of how she’s just a kid and all, but her two-pet team makes her the easiest to reliably beat - and I’m too lazy to travel around and battle more than one trainer per day. Since the last Battle Pet Bonus Week, my Hunter has been methodically leveling all the remaining level 1 pets in my favorites list.

Brewmaster aid of the illidari